FX Skate Team

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Okay,you need to do this for almost every single trick there is. If your left foot is stronger,you are goofy footed (just a term,no offense). If you are right foot is stronger,you are regular footed. Stomp on the tail with your strong foot,then slide your other footup to the front set of bolts.Lift your legs up for more air. You may not be going high at first,but keep doing it and you will get better.
The Spiderman:
okay,this trick is a grab trick. You go in the air (obviously), then you grab the tail and the heel side at the same time. Shift your board behind you slightly grabbing the board tightly. Your chest should be a little bit over the nose. Don't hold the grab too long, you need to land the trick smoothly.
Backside Bertslide:
Crouch down  on your board while moving. You will be moving right if you are regular footed,you will be moving left if goofy footed. Put your strong hand in front of you. Then you kinda skid your board in half a circle.
Frontside Bertslide:
This one is a bit harder than the backside bertslide.Crouch down on your board while moving. This is the exact opposite of a backside berslide. You will be moving left if you are regular footed,you will be moving right if you are goofy footed. Put your strong hand behind you, then kinda skid your board around you.
Pop Shuv-it:
Ollie up in the air,then in about the middle of your ollie,kick your strong foot backwards,and your other foot forwards.Let your board spin once or more than once. Put your legs back after you want it to be done rotating.

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